If you are unable to use Paypal to donate from overseas, please donate via the link below instead. Thank you for your kind support!
若使用 Paypal 作海外捐款時遇上困難,請改用以下網頁捐款,多謝支持!
*Please read the IMPORTANT NOTES carefully before you enter the link *請在仔細閱讀「注意事項」後才進入捐款網頁
Please indicate the name of the participant that you are supporting from above. Otherwise, your donation will be used for general donation. 請注明你所支持的參加者的名稱,否則你的捐款將用作一般捐款。
If your address doesn’t have a postal code, please fill in “00000” to proceed 如所在地區地址沒有郵區編號,請於郵區編號一欄填寫 “00000”
Please use a credit card that is recognized internationally 請以國際認可的各大銀行信用咭作奉獻
Please note “Mon-2023” and the following information in the “Remarks” column: FULL name, phone number, email address 請在備註一項註明「Mon-2023」,並填上:姓名 (全名)、電話、電郵
Write a separate email to montreal@ccmcanada.org for record and Tax Receipt arrangement, include information “Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number, eTransfer date, amount & and bank’s name” 請發送另一電郵 致 montreal@ccmcanada.org 資料包括:姓名 (全名)、地址、電話、轉款日期、金額及銀行名稱
By Cash or Cheque 現金 或 支票
Please contact CCM Montreal Centre (514-878-3113 or montreal@ccmcanada.org) or representative at your church 請聯絡中信滿地可中心 (514-878-3113 or montreal@ccmcanada.org) 或您教會的代表